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News Articles

Please see our latest News articles below.


How to sell raised floor

At RMF we are market leaders in recycling and reuse of raised floor. We make it simple for demolition experts and demolition professionals to safely and sustainably get rid of raised access flooring, often known as computer floor, floating floor and many other names! So how to you sell or recycle raised floor? Firstly take some pictures of the panels as follows; Side... Read more


Collaboration is key

At RMF we know we are only as good as the team around us and this extends to those we partner with. With this in mind we are delighted to announce a new partnership with Tarkett and Scott Young Research Ltd (SYR). We have worked with Tarkett and SYR to support their new innovation which is the ‘Centre of Excellence’. The centre is designed to be an innovative way to... Read more


RMF achieve new status!

RMF are delighted to announce that we have successfully achieved FSC® Chain of custody status. So what does this mean in practical terms for our clients and contractors? It means that our new UK manufactured panels are sold without any break in the chain of custody and are sold with full FSC® certification and ensuring full compliance with all legislation. It also means... Read more


What is a carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (GHG’s) emitted by a person, organisation, product, event or other entity. GHG’s include carbon dioxide (the most common gas emitted by humans), methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated gases. A carbon footprint results from the production, use and end of life of a product or service. A standard which enables carbon... Read more


Sporting Sponsor - Joe Guest-Bourne

RMF are delighted to announce our second sporting sponsorship of 2023 as the new proud sponsor of Joe Guest-Bourne. Joe is an amateur super heavy weight boxer with an incredibly bright future ahead of him. Joe is currently training out of Cleary’s Boxing gym in Leamington Spa and despite only entering the world of boxing at 23 years old he is on track to head towards a... Read more